Saturday, November 4, 2017

Quality and Culture

Looking back at my results on the quiz for Quality and Culture I found I do have some areas I can improve on. So I've decided to set some goals for myself.


 1. I want to look for ways to improve on how I perceive patients. I thought if I was conscientious about it, I could avoid or get rid of my negative thoughts or assumptions about people. After taking this quiz I found that you actually can't just get rid of those feelings by thinking about it or being "conscientious" about it. Everyone has some form of prejudices about different people and they are a part of life. There are ways to work around those prejudices and remove them by learning, but you can't just think them away.

 2. When working with someone that has different cultural beliefs on medicine explaining why they are wrong is not the way to go. Even if you do it gently. I would like to work on some tactics that will help me work WITH a patient that has different beliefs, so they still get the treatment they need to get healthy.

 3. I learned that even though someone has a belief in traditional medicine and treatment, that doesn't mean they aren't willing to try "Western" medicine. I would like to learn ways to interact with someone that normally uses traditional medicine, but could benefit from "Western" or "Conventional" treatments.

These are 3 learning goals I will be working on during the span of this class and even after.

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